I made another trip to the town market yesterday to finish shopping for the items left on my list.  I made my way to the meat area where I picked up another kilo of ground beef to use for the week.

My experience was much more pleasant this time around.  Although it’s more inconvenient to “shop” for groceries at a market in Mali than it is in a supermarket in States, when you’re surrounded by a slew of boys that want to take care of everything for you, it’s just as easy and twice as fun.

My resident meat grinder two days in a row.

My resident meat grinder two days in a row

My Meat Market Men

My meat market men (Check out the totally rad makeshift baseball cap made out of a garbage bag)

Below is a fantastic video clip of boys being boys (while grinding my meat). It also shows you how accomplishing one task here (buying ground beef) involves a lot more patience and people than you could imagine!