Posts tagged ‘african food’

Money doesn’t grow on toubobs

It was confirmed by my colleagues today that I am in fact a walking flashing neon dollar sign.

No need for costumes here

No need for costumes here

My Malian colleagues took me out for lunch today to their favorite local restaurant beautifully located on the banks of Niger River. They have been going there regularly for years and wanted to introduce me to this gem as well. We all ordered the same thing they have ordered dozen times before: the plat du jour (rice) and a soft drink. Except this time, it was double the price. Any guesses why?

After one of my colleagues realized this, he pulled me up off my chair in a fury and demanded to see the manager.

“See this toubob (white person),” he asks the manager, “She lives here, works here, and is not made out of money. Don’t ever overcharge us, or her again. Remember this face. Remember!”

That’s right buddy. I’ll be back, but next time, I’m leaving the bling chain at home.

La cuisine a l’hotel

Mali and most francophone West African countries serve excellent French cuisine, one of the remnants of its colonized past.  You can get authentic French dishes for mere dollars at almost every hotel in the country.  My boyfriend was also a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa and OFTEN reminisces that his favorite French dish in Africa was Steak au Poivre. Time and time again, I dragged him to one French bistro after another in search of the perfect romantic ambiance for my liking and the perfect Steak au Poivre for him.  He always left slightly disappointed stating, “It was better in Africa.”  Well in the spirit of him,  I ordered Steak au Poivre tonight…and man was it DELICIOUS.  He was right.  No Steak au Poivre in NYC compares to what I ate tonight.  Thanks D!

Don’t judge a book by its cover.  Trust me, it was delicious!

On the other hand, breakfast in West Africa remains a tradition that needs to be altered!  Breakfast means instant coffee (ok), orange juice (good) and a large peace of processed white fluffy bread (EWWW!).  Then again, it was delivered to my room, I love hotels!

NOT the breakfast of champions

NOT the breakfast of champions