I’m back!

SO sorry I’ve been MIA for the last couple of months.  I cannot even begin to describe the whirlwind that took over my life.

But I will try.

Last you heard, I was on a fight back to Chicago from Mali, on what was a planned 2 week vacation to “take care of a few work things.”

Well, the “work things” panned out and I was offered my dream job in a seperate organization based in the United States.  I decided to stay in Chicago until my start date (next week) to catch up with friends and family and plan most of my wedding details.  I’ve set the date and chosen the venue, and if you are interested in more of my wedding details, I have been and will continue to blog about it every Tuesday on Elizabeth Anne Designs.

Now that things have simmered down, and are back on track, I finally have time to write again.

And so it begins, yet again.  I am moving this weekend to……

washington-monument-cherry-blossomsWashington D.C!

I got my dream job, kind of out-of -the- blue, when I was working in Mali.  It is a job that I applied for over a year ago but as soon as it became evident this was for real, I flew home and dove into the paperwork making sure it would come to fruition.  Although based in D.C., I will be traveling to Africa a few times a year to view programs.  The only thing missing is my fiance, who is finishing up school in NYC then moving to Houston in the Fall.  We are trying to figure out a way to be together by Christmas, but that will become clearer once we begin our jobs.

My Manolos are no longer on a Mission in Mali, but they certainly continue to be on a mission.  Hope you stay tuned.