By Day 4, I felt the boys needed a little bit of R&R before we headed to Timbuktu for the second half of our journey.  So we slept in, caught up on email, greeted my colleagues at the office, went swimming at the nearby hotel and ate well.  I’m so glad we did.  Little did we know that we would be eating egg sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner the following three days!

Pictures of life in Sevare, the town right near Mopti where I currently live.   Timbuktu tomorrow!

Relaxing at my place

Relaxing at my place

Pizza and Piscine at the Ambedjele Hotel in Sevare

Pizza at the Ambedjele Hotel in Sevare

Impropmtu (quirky) French band performing at a restaurant during dinner

Oh the people you meet when traveling in places like Mali 🙂 It's half the fun. Pictured is a quirky French band performing while we were eating dinner at a small restaurant in Sevare.

Drinking Guinness and watching French band

Drinking Guinness and watching French band