I was reading a final report yesterday and came across the following descriptions characterizing of the classes in Mali:  rich, middle-class, and poor.  Thought I would share with you the descriptions as they are very different from our definitions of the classes (i.e. having horses versus horsepower).

•    60 horses/donkeys and 40 carts
•    2 tons of grain production a month
•    300 goat and sheep
•    Home worth at least $23,500

•    50 Sheep or/and
•    50 goats
•    10 carts
•    1 horse
•    2 sacs of rice and millet per month

•    No resources
•    Manual laborer
•    Maximum of 5 goats and one dog
•    Grain and food obtained through gifts or barter
•    Gathers products and food rather than buying