As one of the only species that can live either in arctic ice or desert sand, it is no question that humans are adaptable.  I’m used to getting questions from curious Americans who want to understand how I live in Africa.  Ironically, I receive even more probing from Malians asking me how I could live in Africa after living in such convenience and luxury as they understand America to be, and is.

What I recall from my first time living in Africa, however, was how easy it was to adjust compared to other places I had lived in the world.  Within a week of arriving in my village, I was re-named and had gone through a blessing initiation by the village chief and holy man.  From that day forward, I was welcomed as family.

Looking back on the difficulties I experienced during my time in the Peace Corps, it was also not the lack of running water or electricity that proved to be most difficult.  That was easy.  It was the ‘change in social rules and logic’ that proved to be hardest to understand.  But with time, I learned the rules of the game and how to survive, and it became a fun game… to figure out the rules.   I am reminded by what a computer salesman told me a few months ago, “A Mac can do EVERYTHING a PC does, it just has a different way.  Instead of forcing your PC commands on your Mac, try to take some time to learn the Mac ones.  As long as you are truly open to learning the Mac logic, you won’t get frustrated.”  He could have lead a session on cross cultural adjustment with those words of wisdom!

I try to remember that wisdom when I silently curse the motorists cutting me off on all sides of my car streaming in like water from every direction.  I haven’t yet figured out those rules, but in due time….