Just a shout out to my favorite brother in the world, with whom none of my family could manage without. Even though his very existence in this world made me a middle child, I forgive him because he’s given me more assistance and support that I could have ever received from being just 1 of 2.

In keeping with the Africa theme, this was taken in my Peace Corps village when my brother gave up his Christmas to come spend it with me in the desert

In keeping with the Africa theme, this was taken in my Peace Corps village when my brother gave up his Christmas to come spend it with me in the desert

He is also a computer genius who set up my first blog. Please check out his other brilliant websites:


A fabulous website site where you can search and find any documentary that interests you.


A site I use even in Mali when searching for my favorite tv shows and movies to watch online.  You don’t need to download anything, just search and play!