I understand about 25% of what people say here. Actually, even less, considering they often mix Bambara or other local languages into their speech. Let’s say 20%. I am constantly anxiety ridden about improving my French. Before I arrived, I listened to 24 hours worth of French lessons on my iPod. I spent 10 hours of my 20 hour flight going through grammar lessons in order to make a good first impression. I teach myself a lesson a day after work in order to improve. Yet, it seems to be a fruitless endeavor.

Yesterday, I was driving in the market and about to come to the end of a road when another car turned head on to my street right in front of me. I made my way around him and proceeded to run over a board. Just a 2×4 wooden board. 3 guys start running after my vehicle screaming. I stopped the very big visible NGO white vehicle (which probably is the equivalent of driving a bright yellow hummer in the States) and proceeded to talk with the men.

I thought they began demanding that I replace their board, that I own up to breaking their board, but all I really heard was just screaming in general. I had no idea if they were trying to get money out of me or what. So I began defending myself. Then they told me they were going to the Police. Or I believe that’s what they said. At that point I got out of the vehicle to survey the damage but when I saw it was in fact a small wooden board (of many), I got angry because it wasn’t a big deal.

I told the guy that I am sad he is acting so harsh with me, since it was not my fault and no real damage was done. But he kept on screaming. Before I knew it, a few tears were trickling down my face. All my frustrations must have leaked at that moment. I pulled out some money and thrust it in his face. He immediately took a step back shocked and said, “No way, I don’t want any money, I am Malian, we want you to feel welcome in our country, I don’t want your money.” I still don’t understand what all the ruckus was about. But what I do know is that we ended up shaking hands and he invited me to drink tea with him.

I will probably never know what all the commotion was about. But I will still work on my French. I begin lessons with a French tutor tonight. Wish me luck!