Before I could even inquire, my guard approached me a couple of nights ago and told me that he has just the right girl for me to help with housework. I probed a bit deeper and found out she had worked for the previous employee I replaced. In the spirit of keeping things simple, I asked him to bring her around sometime for a discussion.

I got home last night and she was waiting for me along with both of my guards, her friend and her uncle, all men. I wasn’t prepared….I still hadn’t decided what kind of help I needed, besides washing clothes of course (there are no machines here, so clothes are hand washed and takes hours). I began asking her questions but one of the men would always talk to her in Bambara (a local language) and then answer for her in French . As soon as money was brought up, I cringed. I’ve never liked that discussion.

In any case a deal was made, and hands were shook, yet I still have no idea if she even speaks French or if I am getting ripped off. I am paying the same amount as the last employee but she had the maid come 5 times a week to clean the house and wash clothes. I decided I’d only be comfortable with her coming three times a week (I mean, c’mon, do I really need someone 5x a week!) but I’d also like her to iron my clothes and prepare dinner in addition. (I was looking forward to learning how to cook from scratch in Mali but have realized this week that I cannot get chicken breast, thighs, or any part at all in this town…but have to go to the market, buy a live chicken, kill it and skin in, and frankly I’m just a little bit too American for that). I’m not even sure I want or need all this help but the guards told me that’s what I should do. So that’s that.

I’m a little worried with giving her my key, but I guess I’ll just have to get used to that and lock my personal belongings. I’m also a little worried I won’t like her cooking, not because I am picky but I loathe dishes with lots of oil…which is common here.  Do you think I can alter our agreement in a week or two if I don’t want all these services?