I passed my crazy driving test in Bamako a few weeks back, and now have personal access to a vehicle in the town I am living in. I really appreciate and enjoy this access, allowing me to explore the area thoroughly at my convenience. At the same time I began driving however, the rains began pouring. Couple that with a town that has limited infrastructure (including only 4 paved roads) and this is what you get.

Driving in Venice of Mali

Driving in the Venice of Mali

This is a road, NOT a pond

This is NOT supposed to be a pond

I need to get to that restaurant on the left...

I need to get to that restaurant on the left...

Needless to say, my car gets diiiiiirty as I splash through

Needless to say, my car gets dirty as I splash through

Apparently my guard thinks so too. I found him giving my car a wash yesterday afternoon after I returned.

Car wash

Car wash

Squeaky clean (not for long)

Squeaky clean (not for long)

I’ve never had any type of home help before. I am the daughter of Polish immigrants….I was the house help growing up! My guards have been wonderful to me, running out to get me things I need, fixing light fixtures, taking out the trash, and now…washing the car! Do you think I should be giving them something under the table? I’m just worried it might open the floodgates. What do you think?