Archive for August 4th, 2008

Poland in Bamako

I’m very far away from home, but the following items being here bring me a thousand miles closer to home, despite my aversion to actually drinking it.

Polish Vodka

Polish Vodka

Not just any Polish vodka, but a niche Polish bison rye vodka that I couldn't even find in Manhattan!

Not just any Polish vodka, but a niche Polish bison rye vodka that I couldn't even find in Manhattan!

Polish Consulate

Polish Consulate

It’s amazing how good it feels to see the familiar red and white in a country so different from my own.

Musee National du Mali

The National Museum of Mali in Bamako is a real treat.  It is beautifully designed in the traditional sand/clay/mud architecture found in northern Mali and home to two really cool exhibits.  My favorite is the Textile exhibit (naturally!) where hundreds of different types of cloth, fabric, dresses, blankets are exhibited with detailed descriptions of how they are made, why, what for, etc.  The other exhibit hosts hundreds of incredible Sonofo masks, Dogon ladders and Bozo masks.  I will definetly be shopping for replicas to bring home with me! 

It also had a photograph gallery of archeologists digging up artifacts as recent as last year!  Apparently, right outside Djenne (the famous mud city) archeologists recently discovered a buried city where they have been excavating artificats from the Saharan trade route thousands years ago.  Unfortunately there has been loitering in the area as peasants are digging up priceless artifacts and selling them for pennies to outside dealers.  Survival right! I believe the Malian government has stepped in to prevent further trade between them and to try to salvage their own history.

Enjoy the photographs, and next time you are in Mali, do visit.

nothing I hadn't seen (or lived in) before

Nothing I hadn't seen (or lived in) before

Great cafe within the grounds

Great cafe within the grounds

and my lovely salad for lunch

and my lovely salad for lunch