I’ve been meaning to leave confines of my hotel post-work but the street directly in front is as hard to cross as a river.  There is a CONSTANT strum of traffic that include cars, busses, goats, donkey carts, and mopeds that never stops.  I wanted to buy a Coca-Cola Light that was being allegedly sold at a nearby gas station, but after waiting to cross the road for ten minutes, I decided to turn back rather than risk becoming a statistic.

Tomorrow, I am taking a driving test with my organization.  If I pass, I get to drive my own car.  Please pray for me while I try to serpentine my way around this city in high heels.  I am worried I will cause even more accidents to happen, due to my intermittent stopping for every soul within a 10 foot radius of the car.  At that rate, I won’t make it to the office my lunchtime.

To make matters worse, the driving test is in a manual car, stick shift!  Fortunately, my first car was a stickshift.  Unfortunately, I got into ten accidents with that car, the final resulting in a suspension of my license.