Dear legs,

I am about to depart on a journey across the world to a land far, far away, and although you will accompany me, you are to remain hidden at all times.  I wanted to write you a farewell letter to thank you for all of the good times we shared the last few years.  You were always the two I could most rely on to make me look good no matter how much I ate that day or how bad I broke out.  Contrary to your colleagues that were all remarkably unpredictable, such as Belly who has an immediate need to stand out and demand attention at even the slightest intake of crumbs, or the Locks who are remarkably bi-polar not only each day but with each passing hour, You my dear legs, never failed to make me look good.   As a result I showed you off often with dozens of short skirts even spoiling you with a last minute pair of short shorts we only managed to wear one month.  You never deserted me in running several miles a day around Central Park or cramping into high heels for a night out in Soho and, as a result, we earned many long stares and peppy catcalls this season.

I must inform you however that your bright golden glow will undoubtedly fade away to a pasty white color within months.  In Mali it is not culturally acceptable to show anything above your calf, and especially no knees!  I know you must be sad but believe me, it is also sad for me to retire you, my long time reliable and trustworthy friends.  I too can no longer rely on you to make me look good and will actually have to begin working on the others in hopes of increasing their reliability in my life.

Please note that the skirts are packed away in a safe and sturdy box that will immediately be opened upon your return to the states.  Until then, fare well under those long layers of fabric.  I look forward to your next appearance.

