Archive for July 24th, 2008


As you may have guessed from my post last Sunday, leaving my boyfriend in NYC was a very emotional experience.  It took me several hours to recover from the experience while sitting on the train (with thanks in part to the sweet girl sitting next to me who timidly pushed her magazine towards me in between my sniffles and said, “Do you want to read my Elle?”  However as soon as I arrived in the city of my training I manically shut off the waterworks and pulled it together.  Since then, I have had an intensive schedule at company headquarters consisting of classes and meetings all day and all week long.  It’s been a very exciting week, gaining momentum with each additional day.  I’ve studied, I’ve laughed, I’ve made new friends and learned new knowledge.  I thought I was doing pretty well.

Until I watched this.

Within seconds, this video triggered a waterfall of tears of Niagara proportions.  I literally exploded and could not stop.  I guess maybe this video unleashed what I was feeling inside but didn’t have the opportunity to face yet.  It’s too similar to an encounter I already imagine happening with my loved ones coincidentally in Africa, no less.

Keeping it real.

I have a serious problem


It may not be a serious problem for most people, but since my nature is nomadic, it carries more weight (literally) than you think.

So a couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of the 15 shoes I was considering taking to Mali, and asked you all to help me choose up to five pairs.

I got many great suggestions and took them into consideration.  I took them so seriously into consideration, that I clicked on the links you sent and bought more shoes!  Instead of minimizing, I maximized!

So I am leaving in 3 days and below is a photo of the shoes I’ve decided on bringing.  Given the recent baggage restrictions on airlines, I am estimating shoes will take up 50% of my weight limit (kind of like how my Manhattan rent took up 50% of my income).

I know I have a pro

Updated list of shoes

Updated list of shoes

blem, but I have atleast 3 good reasons (outfits) to wear with each set of shoes, so I simply cannot justify leaving a pair behind.

What do you think?