2 weeks left before I depart for Mali.  1 week left in NYC.  Tentative schedule in the Big Apple my last week.

  • Sat: 5 mile run in Central Park.  Shopping at Macys and Century 21.  Evening at outdoor beer garden with bf and friends.
  • Sun: Brunch with girlfriends at French bistro in the Meatpacking district.  Afternoon at friend’s rooftop barbeque and swimming pool overlooking the Manhattan skyline.
  • Mon: 5 mile run down Hudson River.  Pack.  Evening at Burlesque club with girlfriend.
  • Tues: Morning shiatsu facial at Bergdorf Goodman.  Afternoon picnic date with grad school friends in Central Park.
  • Wed: Run. Pack.  Dinner and movie with boyfriend down in Wall Street.
  • Thurs: Run. Pack. Happy hour at rooftop bar in the village.
  • Fri: Roomate’s birthday party at club in Times Square.
  • Sat: Depart for one week training and leave NYC, OMG!

WTF am I going to do in Mali?  I am officially freaking out.