It’s a valid question I receive when I tell others I’m going to Mali. In light of this, I thought I would give you all a better setting, so you have an idea of where my stories will take place.



First of all, imagine the most underdeveloped country you’ve ever been too. The one where you may have seen children walking barefoot, shantytowns on the side of the road, and old beggars pleading for a coin. Mali is on an entirely different level. Poorer than all but 8 countries in the world, you don’t however feel the vulgar poverty there you may experience in inner-city slums.  Instead you feel a sense of magic…and claustrophobia. You feel stuck in the times.

It is not very hard to imagine that you are walking around in Bibilical times dodging shepherds and their rambunctious herds of livestock bolting through narrow pathways, watching long and lanky passerby dressed in layers of fabric walking through a sandcastle-like surreal setting, halfway expecting Jesus himself to appear around the corner.

Me in sandcastle city in 2004- Djenne, Mali

Mom striking a pose, modeling attire in Mali. 2004

Many of you may be surprised to know that Mali is considered a “must-see” country in the backpacking adventure traveler world and also according to the Lonely Planet West Africa guidebook.  It’s most famous tourist destinations are all UNESCO world heritage sites), Timbuktu,  Djenne, and Dogon country and are pictured below.

Niger River

The road to Timbuktu (

Djenne – Largest mud mosque in the world

Dogon Country – Land of the mystical villages tucked away in cliffs with beautifully engraved doors and masks, claiming to learn all their mysterious knowledge from aliens who came down on spaceships hundreds of years ago.

Yeah that’s right…aliens.  Jealous yet? 🙂